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Support us

Your support, even modest, is valuable to us!


Ecole Chrétienne Timothée is a non-profit association. It is financed in part by monthly tuition fees and by donations from individuals or companies.


You can become a member of this association as well as support this work with your donations.


You can also give a child educational support by sponsoring them.

Download the sponsorship document

IBAN: CH65 0900 0000 1626 4207 7

Beneficiary : Ecole Chrétienne Timothée

Address : 1213 Onex, Switzerland

Bank : PostFinance AG
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Bern CH

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ECT depends on the generosity of donors

Thank you

Contact us

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Tel: +41 22 300 28 49



Ch. François Lehmann 18A

1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

Geneva / Switzerland

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